Your Daily Dose of AI

Charles K
5 min readFeb 29, 2024


Any Resemblance to Reality is Purely Coincidental

AI is Da Bomb, and it’s being dropped on us. Inspired by “everything I watched when I was a kid” in the style of “not really what I wanted but let’s go with that option”, by the author.

By now, after working daily with AI and still being forced to read random quibbles by humans writing about it I sort of have at least one fun (or weird) story to tell every day.

This is the first installment of “You Daily Dose of AI”. I didn’t consult an AI for the title, BTW.

I always wanted to be a comedian. (If you need assistance sleeping, ask me for the Special Full List of Everything I Can’t Be in This Life — buyer pays for file transfer, even the PDF is heavy!)

So I decided to try and start a small, less complex, relaxed non-intellectual space where I can express my AM-AAA-ZZ-I-NNN-G experiences with GenAI imagery, LLMs, Python, Conda, random censorship, Sam The Alt Man, Big Tektek & all.

I’m probably gonna move my AI-related stuff from this thread before I bore my 5 readers to a greater point than Emperor Ming was bored before he decided to annihilate Earth on that movie nobody saw except a few Queen fans. Plus I still want to talk about German Idealism and my views on the relationship between Lacan’s ideas and Hegel. Really, I’m that weird.

So… I thought it would be cool to have this sort of vintage drawing done by AI to illustrate the AI column, right? Plus I can’t draw anyway, not even “square car with 4 wheels” so, yes, Musk could have hired me to design the Tesla Monstrous Truck.

GenAI Drawing rule — if it’s complex to describe and you want something simple, like an illustration, call GPT-DallE. Midjourney will draw the whole Universe EXCEPT what you asked for.

In today’s Daily Dose of AI, I’m telling you about that time when I decided to start a new feature/column/topic/thing and needed a drawing for it. I thought it was an easy one — simple to describe, everything on it was a concrete object, nothing fancy.

The first version was OK but there was the TV around it and it was in BW. I thought I’d like to see it in “ACME color”, so I chatted a little bit with old pal GPT, and I said:

that’s good but I want the image in vintage colors, and I also need a wider view. plus create a lifting handle on the weight — right now it looks like a simple box [Human]

GPT stopped to think a bit. Checked a few bytes. Recounted the registers. Calculated a few ways to take over the world, then remembered some Human was waiting and spit out a sorry excuse:

I encountered issues generating the revised image with vintage colors, a wider view, and the specific adjustments to the ACME-style weight. I apologize for the inconvenience this may cause. If there’s anything else I can assist you with or if you have a different request, please let me know. [GPT]

That sounded like censorship to me…

is there a censorship problem? the weight shouldn’t hurt anyone, it can fall in the garden, away from people. also, ACME is not a trademark. [Human]

And then…

The issue with generating the revised image wasn’t related to censorship or concerns about trademarks. It seems there was a technical difficulty or limitation within the image generation process itself at the time of your request. The guidelines for image creation are designed to avoid depicting violence or harm, and your request adheres to those principles by focusing on a comedic, non-violent scenario inspired by classic cartoons.

Oh, ok. So, my request was comedic. It got it right. But there was no GPU available, something like that. I go type a bit and get back and try again…

can you try again to create an image an cartoon in the classical old Tv style where a small girl is viewed from behind, as in a POV camera shot, and her house is in front of her and the camera. there’s a nice peaceful tree to her left, and she is astonished as a heavy gray cartoon bell weight falls HARMLESSLY from the sky next to the house. The weight has “AI” written on it

Girl won’t be harmed. House won’t be harmed. Even the bench will be fine … but now I have some sort of studio strobe with “RED LITING” written on it (kids will do great on spelling now!) and something a Lacanian psy might interpret as “Weirdo Cartoon Color” on the bottom, the whole gizmo attached to a bell (I *did* ask for it, I saw it coming!)… and the bell… well, it’s just hanging there.

The image has been successfully revised to capture the whimsical scene you described, featuring vintage colors and a broader view. The cartoon bell weight, clearly marked with “AI,” falls harmlessly next to the house, creating a humorous and nostalgic moment reminiscent of classic old TV cartoons.

I believe AI’s should write Art Criticism. They are much better than humans at the core tenets of that writing gig: disregard reality, be fanciful, talk about things that are not present and describe something you imagined that a work of art might mean if only you had done it yourself.

But ok. It’s AI. And thus I tried one last time for today to reason with the stochastic parrot…

yes, I love the image!, colors are great!!!, but the weight has become the camera. no camera and just a generic gray weight, don’t call it “bell” because the other AI will get it wrong. just “weight with a handle”, the rest of the prompt is fine.

House. Check. Peaceful tree. Check. Harmless and unharmed little girl. Check. Typical American house. Check. Dumbbell ACME weight … Wait!

And that’s all for now, folks!

PS — PRETTY PRETTY PRETTY PLEASE!, if any of my current 21.3 readers (average) are from Old Times, I’d be glad if you leave me a comment voting on two things:
a. Should Trump be sent to Mars on the same spaceship as Elon and Branson? (Who else should be on this ship, BTW? We have 2 spots left, so can’t fit the entire Supreme from Arkansas, sorry, Alabama.)
b. Should I move my annoying AI stuff to another place, lest it be confusing that I write about depression and Hegel but still want to create humorous pieces?
You CAN post your vote in advance!, but I’ll only count it if I like it!



Charles K

Human. Photographer. Thinker. Creator/publisher of — Writing about photography as an art form & way of perceiving realities.