Start Trumping the News

Charles K
3 min readMar 24, 2024

A Broadway Inspired Musical Satire

In the name of not spoiling it all, I’ll talk about what exactly the music here is and how it came to happen in another post this Tuesday, 26th.

Right now, let it be known that the lyrics are mine, but the sort of Hamilton score cloning was done by a new version of a rather musical AI. (It should be said that Hamilton, with all the great merits it has, is not exactly 100% original as a score; no Broadway production can ever be, as there are way too many conventions and expectations and “genre” impositions.

That’s the bit I’ll talk about later as the discussion rages everywhere and the arguments are so confusing that … I should make another Broadway parody of that!

Lyrics below, as some words are hard to understand, at least for me, a non-native speaker.

BTW, this song doesn’t refer to anyone in particular. It’s mostly about fictionalized Roman times and how some politics considered some emperors might have lost a bit of their strong Roman ethical standing.

Please click “The Art of the Steal” below to listen to a music track. Otherwise this post is not much fun!

PS — Sorry about the abrupt ending, I tried to fix it in AI but now I really need my full production suite to make this sound “decent”. There will be a remaster.

You must click the link above to listen to the music. A black pop-up box will appear — please click on it. It’s just Medium, not my fault… is free and safe. I’m not affiliated to them in anyway.

The Art of the Steal

A Trumped Up Hamilton Parody, in Good Humor

Start the swindle again
I’m stealing today
I want to be the star of it
U.S., U.S.

I’ll make America great
By cheating on my taxes
Lawsuits galore surround me
But I’ll do it my way

Bankruptcies and failed casinos
Shady deals, that’s how I roll
Grabbing power and money
Is my only goal
I’ll build useless walls
And make Mexico pay
Insult war heroes and Gold Star families
That’s just my way to play

I’ll cozy up to dictators
And alienate our allies
Spread misinformation and fear
With a mountain of lies
The swamp, I was gonna drain it
But I filled it instead
With loyal cronies and family
As I enrich myself, it’s said

The rules and norms I’ll ignore
The press I’ll call fake news
I’m rich, smart and a very stable genius
At least that’s my skewed view
I’ll host rallies for my faithful
Rant, rave and prod
Make outrageous claims and promises
That I’ll discard once
I’m re-awed

Start the swindle again
It’s a farce, a charade
The art of the deal is to steal
That’s how this con was played

Start the swindle again
Bankruptcies and failed casinos
It’s a farce, a charade
Shady deals, that’s how I roll
The art of the deal is to steal
Grabbing power and money
That’s how this con was played
Grabbing money, keeping power

Paying off the Russian mob
Shady deals with Vladimir
Lying about those Moscow ties
Obstructing like there’s no tomorrow

Grabbing everything for grabs
The Mueller team’s closing in
Indictments and guilty pleas galore
I’ll just keep denying, lying some more

Is my only goal…

Start the swindle, the con, the ruse
Don’t care who I step on or abuse
Make America great, put money on my plate
By any means, no truthfulness or debate

The art of the steal, the art of the deal
This presidency, so unreal!
Impeached or not, I’ll take the lot
The grift goes on, you all were bought!

Is my only goal…



Charles K

Human. Photographer. Thinker. Creator/publisher of — Writing about photography as an art form & way of perceiving realities.