Casanova in the Lacanian Maze

Charles K
3 min readMay 4, 2024


Art, Manipulation, Influence, Seduction, Desire … and the Big Other

Desire’s paths, unconventional. (AI illustration by the author.)

A poetical-philosophical exploration on many subjects. May we enjoy the labyrinths within ourselves.

Lacan’s psychoanalytic theories, a fusion of language, structuralism, and the fragmented self, dissect desire. Unique. Provocative. When I consider Casanova through this lens, the lines blur. Seduction, manipulation, perversion, engagement. A dance on the edge.

Casanova. Legendary Venetian. Master of seduction or something more? Not just a manipulative libertine, but a man who embodied desire. Constantly seeking, yearning to fill the void. In himself. In his lovers.

Desire, Lacan says, is a lack. A hunger for wholeness that’s never satisfied. Casanova understood this. His seductions weren’t just conquest. They were connection. A shared exploration of the gaps within.

Perversion manipulates for self-gratification, disregards true desires.

But was he genuine or perverse? Did he deny his own lack, position himself as the object to fill others’ voids? The distinction matters. Perversion manipulates for self-gratification, disregards true desires. Casanova, though, sought to enhance his lovers’ experiences. Acknowledged their yearnings.

This sets him apart from the sociopath. The one who lacks empathy, who uses others for self-serving ends. Casanova formed connections. Fleeting, perhaps, but real.

Elusive object of desire (Author, again)

And what about language and the body? Lacan focuses on language as the structure of subjectivity. But seduction is physical too. I am Human, not because I think (Descartes immense mistake).

Pain, desire, pleasure, thirst.
I feel, therefore I am.
Gestures, glances, touches.
Desire beyond words.
Casanova knew this dance, and dance he did.

It makes me think of today’s influencers. Navigating social media, digital platforms. Blurring lines between engagement and manipulation. Commodifying identities. Exploiting followers’ desires.

The parallels raise questions. The ethics of influence. The responsibilities of shaping desires. Lacanian psychoanalysis challenges us: to rethink authenticity, manipulation, the boundaries between self and Other.

In the end, exploring Lacan, Casanova, desire, perversion, it opens up something rich. Provocative. A deeper understanding of human behavior. The role of language, of the body. The shifting landscape of power and esire.

Perspectives. Puzzling. (By the author)

As I grapple with it, I’m reminded of so many things, so many texts, but also so many personal experiences that now allow me to think-within.

My body-life transformed through mind-dream-memory makes me that which calls itself “me”. And Me can now think beyond structures.

Psychoanalytic thought, it illuminates.
The hidden depths of the psyche.
The intricacies of our social world.
A light in the darkness.
A compass in the labyrinth of the self.

There’s much to explore. Consider this the draft of my map.

Keep writers writing!

Greetings from Rio de Janeiro! I’m Charles, a writer, linguist, philosopher, photographer, AI guy. I craft articles for Medium, spin stories for publications, and occasionally wrestle with Python code to pay for my electrical bill, all while musing about AI, history, and the intricate dance of global politics. When I’m not lost in my literary endeavors, you might find me pondering over computers, history, art movies, photography…

If you enjoy a blend of intellectual musings and creative exploits, I’m sorry to inform you, but Medium still hasn’t figured out how to use Pay Pal and send money to Brazil — I have no idea why.

As I am totally unable to write “Hello, Word!” in less than five hours, your support would help me a lot to keep the metaphysical caffeine flowing.



Charles K

Human. Photographer. Thinker. Creator/publisher of — Writing about photography as an art form & way of perceiving realities.